2024 IDEA 국제 학술대회
◎ International Drama/Theatre Education Association | IDEA
◎ 2024.07. | IDEA, IDEAC
IDEA는 3년에 한 번 전 세계 주요 도시에서 개최되는 연극, 드라마 분야 예술교육실천가들의 국제학술대회이다. 올해는 코로나바이러스-19 이후 아시아 최초 중국 베이징에서 학술대회가 운영되었으며, 전 세계에서 활동하는 예술교육가들의 학술발제 및 워크숍을 통해 아래 네 가지 주제를 중심으로 대회가 진행되었다.
1. Sharing Global Drama Education Experience and Practice
2. Enabling Cross-Cultural Communication and Understanding
3. Exploring Emerging Possibilities and Scenarios for Drama Education
4. Widening Drama Education Conversations
IDEA is an international academic conference for arts education practitioners in the field of theatre and drama held every three years in major cities around the world. This year, an academic conference was held in Beijing, China, for the first time in Asia since the coronavirus-19, and the competition was held around the following four topics through academic presentations and workshops by arts educators working around the world.
1. Sharing Global Drama Education Experience and Practice
2. Enabling Cross-Cultural Communication and Understanding
3. Exploring Emerging Possibilities and Scenarios for Drama Education
4. Widening Drama Education Conversations